Wednesday, June 16, 2004

If one dosn't have anything nice to say...

Well it's been a long ass time since I've written anything. It's not that I didn't have anything nice to say more like that I had more not very nice things to say. Lets see, what have I been about some random hits...

...before I forget I must mention that my cousin Elena Juatco made it to Toronto for the Canadian Idol finals. Pls vote! If she makes it far I'm planning to fly out there to support her, actually I've been looking for a reason to go back to TO for a while...

...don't you hate it when the last girl you were seeing tells you that she no longer is bi-curious (a term I just learned) but is fully bisexual and intruduces you to her gf? I hate when that happens...

...I was talking to a friend back east catching up and stuff when she mentioned that I was much happier when I was dateing white girls. She mentioned that for someone who goes thru pains to avoid drama that I'd been asking for it with the flips I've been dateing lately. I just think it's symptomatic of the type of ppl I've been meeting lately...

...I've been kickin it at the beach alot. Remincint of my days in hawaii. Not reminicent is the wicked farmer tan I've been inflicted with. If anyone wants to play beach v-ball we're always down there...

...I'm learning to play the bass guitar. I practiced all night and now my finger tips on my left hand have been numb all day. I hope it's only temporary because I do some of my more...,immortant things, with my left and I hate to dissapoint. (btw I finally found out what finger 11 means)...

...that's about it. I'll be writing more now that I have more time, this past 3 weeks have been utterly rediculous especially considering I'm used to only working about 3 hours a day for a few days every other week!!! Ciao for now brown cow and see you soon on the dark side of the moon. R