Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Plot arc idea.

The OC season one was amazing. Season 2 kinda sucked hard. Season 3 I'm liking as much as season one. Not that it's necessarily as good as season 1 but more like it doesn't suck as bad as 2. When I was looking for the quote of the previous blog entry I noticed that this upcoming season finale was also listed as the series finale. This made me sad. After some digging I've found out that the producers are planning a major overhaul of the show. I stopped reading as soon as I figured out there would be a season 4 because I hate spoilers with a passion.

My idea of a major over haul. You can't really call it 'the oc' relocating the series to Berkeley or Brown, kinda like when they moved Dawson's creek to Boston so...go back to the beginning. Rejoin the storey of the OC 4 years later when they all come back. Watch Sandy continue down the dark path on his transformation in to Darth Caleb (I suppose in 4 years the transformation would be complete by then). Watch the return of the OC's former golden boy Luke return and assume the role of Jimmy Cooper, Katlin becomes the next Hailey (party animal) or Julie (turbo ho), etc.

Prequels are all the rage. In a closed system one finds generations of parts playing the same rolls over and over. When one has a finished product the interesting question becomes,'how did it get that way?' Of course with finished product the journey automatically becomes a close ended question but usually it's the journey not the destination that is interesting.

Much like Smallville, we all know Farm boy becomes Superman and that Lois and Sup' get it on, and Lex becomes arch enemy, yet the journey to the inevitable was the interesting bit.

Speaking of Smallville this is another of my favorite series that is coming to an end. After season 4 sucked major butt it was announced this current season would be the last. And of course the show got good again. I propose the series ends as the prequel that it is for a new series. Metropolis. Maybe catch the storey line years down the road when we catch up to the current mythology of the Superman franchise or even just relocate the current storey to the city as the evolution of Sup continues (less interesting because it's more of the same).
