Monday, February 13, 2006

Scientific Method.


1-The term "Soul-mate" is a re-ocurring theme through out history.
2-Two girls for every guy. Since a large percentage of those guys are 'girls' then that improves upon the 2:1 ratio.
3-Love comes in spurts.
4-I am still single.


Love is blind.


-Once upon a time,
there was a lonely kind of a guy...who'd resigned himself to the fact that love was blind. Now, if love is blind, he thought to will it find me? For how many times has love knocked on the door...when it should have been knocking on mine?

And so one day, he went off in search of the aloof creature. He soon happened upon
the cute and fuzzy bunny gang. Perhaps they could help him. "Pardon me, cute and fuzzy bunnies, l wonder if you could help me find love. " "Love would have nothing to do...with such a stupid-looking creature." said the first cute and fuzzy bunny. "Roses are red, violets are blue...but love will have nothing to do with you! " They chanted and danced around him. Naturally, our hero was very saddened by this, so...he....actually, he....he reached into his suitcase...and pulled out an lsraeli submachine gun...and he sawed those cute, fuzzy bastards in half...with hot lead! lt was beautiful!-Opening sequence to the movie "One Crazy Summer (1986)".


I suppose I'm a romantic when I declare that I beleive in true love. I also believe in love at first sight. But 'love at first sight' is revisionist history of the actuality of 'lust at first sight'. I'm not naive enough to believe in one true love. One can have many (infinite) true loves. Accounting for everyone on the planet, considering the right sex...age range...oppertunity...accesablilty...etc etc ; A single soul-mate is the equivilent of winning the lottery. In my observations I've seen too many lottery winners. Therefore, for every one of you there are many soul mates and for each soul-mate there are many "you's". It's my opinion that the human palate is not as diverse as we'd like to think, not by a longshot. We'd like to think there's 40 million distinct individuals stalking the earth but I don't think that is the case at all. More like millions of copies of a few distinct models. There's a very finite number of models most of which fit together. Vanity is what keeps them apart.
