Monday, January 16, 2006

Deconstructing Christmas Tree

Holly cowabunga it's been too long since I've blogged. It's surprising how busy one can get when one is busy relaxing. Btw, if the previous blog posting seems incomplete it's because it is...incomplete that is. I was working on it and put it off till it no longer seemed relevant, but seemed like a waste to just delete it.

How does one get rid of a dead Christmas tree? Since I move so often I never really had to think about it before. I think I've left a dead tree in the back yard of like 4 houses the past 5-6 years. At least this time I have a forest behind my house to hide it. I dragged it across the field in the back yard and used my best rendition of a Scottish tree flinging technique only to have it bounce off a bush and back onto the field where it landed in a giant mud puddle. I just left it, didn't want to get too dirty. Taking all the ornaments and stuff off the tree was kinda sad. I didn't help put them on so it felt weird touching them for the first time just to put them in a box.

Some notables from the past holiday. My brother got me board boots, which promted me to buy myself a new helmet, jacket and pants 'cause all my old gear is long since lost. I suppose I'm a snowboarder again. I bought all the stuff because it was so cheap. Sportcheck is closing down so I got the jacket and pants for like 50 bucks each. My pants look like jeans, so funny. My helmet looks like a black army helmet. I went across the boarder to Belisfair to buy Battlestar Galactica season 2.0. I'm slightly disappointed that I spent 40 bucks American for only the first half of the season. But still, I couldn't wait to watch it because it won't be aired here till this month. That's got to be the best show on television.

New Years was so memorable that I can't remember it. I called most of you so perhaps you'all can fill me in on what I missed. The pictures surprisingly didn't tell much of the storey. But in this one pic...

I'd like to quickly add that we had our first workshop yesterday. It's so exiting to see so many new faces. I just hope most of them stick around. They all seemed excited (with the exception of Francis, I think Mondo threatened to with hold services unless he at least tried) So that's about it. You're all caught up in the world of me. And in my world there's a girl in yellow and a girl in green...
