Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Night

La Noche. A night like no other, preceded by a day like no other. I qualify that last statement because I will never do the things I did that day in exactly the same sequence. This day was Aug 11th.

The day started off with Spanish. From what I remember of this performance was mostly about the Russians. I remember the Russian guys standing in the wings with us making fun of our Jota hats (just because you're talking Russian it doesn't take a genius to read your body language and actions), and I also remember them shutting the fuck up as soon as we started dancing. BTW, wtf were you doing in the wings mofo? I also remember all the Russians chillin backstage when we were all quick changing. My most delicious moment was when these three guys were chilling all over my quick change area and I ran at them yelling 'Get out of my fuckin way please!'. I said please. It was funny watching them dive for cover saying 'Sorry!' I wasn't even in a quick change I just wanted their arrogant asses out of my frackin way! As for the show itself, I was a little disappointed. Not at the execution, but at the reception. I genuinely feel that Spanish is the show stopper mother flucker. Spanish is the measuring stick. Spanish is the test of ones skills. My feeling was that Jota Manilenia should have floored them but instead it was just slightly interesting. It wasn't till much later that I figured out that they've probably seen something similar and the crowd seems to be impressed with the more exotic of our dances. It was at this time I also figured out that our magicians rock, Spanish is the hardest to play. I love the music for Spanish. I also realized that all European folk music sounds like clown/circus music.

After the show my host family took Pat and me to the city of Lier. When one thinks of Europe one thinks of cities of canals and Lier was the first city where I saw a canal. My first of many. Virgin no more. The city was so old world beautiful. Myself, Marlies and Pat explored the clock tower (a tower I mistakenly thought was featured in 'The Long Way Around'). I tried this famous Lier pastry, (honestly I can't remember it specifically) and I tried a Lier based beer that tasted yucky. Beer differential is approx 6.

So let the night begin. When I first heard of La Noche in the tour notes I just thought it was another party on the side stage for performers and festivalists. I knew we'd eat some Spanish rice, but I thought it would be low key. Who knew it was a huge party at the beginning of a festival? Well it was Friday, and apparently Friday was the night.

La Noche

In my experience, if I can't remember probably didn't happen unless my imagination made it up. Therefore, most of what I heard about La Noche is myth. It's like everyone knows someone that knows someone that's seen a Sasquatch, but nobody has actually seen one. BTW I've seen one. I think it's written in the 'Guy Code' that if one can't remember something then it didn't happen. Alcohol induced amnesia or no. So, video evidence and key eye witness accounts decree that I had a ridiculously good time.

I rolled into festifalhal quite surprised that it was packed and that the seats were arranged into tables. Next I was slightly embarrassed that I was wearing the same stinky outfit since right after the performance. So as the party started I kept on my hot ass micro fleece as long as possible that probably caused me to sweat off a few pounds. And then it was on. I threw myself into the spirit of things mind body and soul. Then the spirits started to catch up to me as I lost my mind and sold my soul.

I remember drinking heavily. I remember Eye ordering 3 bottles of wine at one time. I slightly remembering my host brother giving me advice on some shite or other. I remember the "Cheers committee". I remember altering my ordering sign to give everyone 'the finger'. I remember my last happy moment with Alissa. I remember parts of Mafia GF and her hairy eye-balled bf that she introduced me to. It was at some point between Alissa and throwing myself on the granade that turned out to be Mafia that things start getting fuzzy. I remember Lyrical Randy. I remember rag-doll Mer. I remember serenading someone. I'm remembering it being Pam, but apparently I sang to Marlise at some point too so it may have been all her. I remember having the fricken time of my life. So basically La Noche is a myth.

And then I woke up from a wonderful dream.
