Friday, August 04, 2006

Almost there...

Guess what this mofo picked up this morning? Hint: it starts with a 'P' and rhymes with 'ass sports'. hehe. If you guessed 'passport' then good for you. If you thought of something else...I don't know for you.

Today I also picked up my back pack. 70L travel pack with detachable day pack. It looked big in the store but I just now laid it beside the duffel bag I've been using all year and they're about the same size...I'll do a test fitting tomorrow. I'm sure my costumes will fit, but I need enough room for enough cloths for the Eurotrip after the festivals. I imagine I'll pawn off some of my costumes on some of the returning performers and buy up some cheap t-shirts at Le Old Navy or Le Gap. I bought a little Canadian flag to sew on but I now realize I can't sew. Maybe I'll just tape it welder?

Three days to go. Things to do. To many to list. As it stands now Sunday seems like a panic shopping time. So I won't be surprised if I buy a lot of shite I won't even bring. Sunday is also costume cleaning day. As long as I wash my super baho pandango shirt then anything else is bonus. I actually think the smell is absorbing into my skin instead of the other way around as one might think.

All I have to say is TGIF (thank god I'm Filipino). This is the end of one of the longest weeks I can remember, and Saturday is gonna be even more sexy. I can just tell. So tonight is chill night.

Oh and remember my last blog when I said that 'I hope nothing else happens the next two weeks' or some such? Well of course something happened! My travel agent humped the pooch and f'd up my booking and now I'm on all the wrong flights, leaving two hours later and arriving 4 hours after everyone else. Oh, and I have no idea how I'm gonna get to Edegem. Well, I've been in worse situations in a strange country trying to get by on charm. I've watched Amazing Race, I can get thru anything. Well good night! And bedbugs! And by good night I mean time for another beer and to pop in a new DVD.
