Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I didn't know I had a blog...

Wholly moly puddin in pie it's been a long time since I've written in here. And I'm talking the whole moly, not just part of it. How does one spell 'moley?...molly...moly?' I've actually started and stopped a few blogs which I ended up deleting because I hate half baked ideas because half baked things are still yucky in the middle.

As it turns out I've been stupid busy and lately when I get in front of the computer my brain has been a bucket of jello. And since there is always room for jello I think my brain bucket is full up.

I still intend to finish my tour memoires, but I'll intersperse them with current stuff as it looks that it'll take a while. As for now, it's off to the races yet again.
