Saturday, August 14, 2004

With me being back on the West coast for a week now, I've had time look back on my most recent adventure in Toronto. Beside, I got nothing else going on.

The Good...

With so many friends in and around the city I didn't think it'd be a problem finding things to do to fill my wakeing moments. What I didn't realize was that all my so called friends would be to busy for me and I barely saw any of them. Thankefully a biproduct of staying in a hostel is that you meet so many new ppl everyday. One of the first guys I befriended was this Aussie guy named Steve. He became my partner in crime and drinking buddy for the first 4 days till he left and when we met these two British guys, Paul and Dan who in turn begat an East coaster Rauri and an irsh dude named Shane and lastly another Aussie, Andrew. Never mind the never ending stream of eye candy namely Sally, Alexis, Mandy, and who can forget the three americans; Adriana and her two friends. And many more I've forgotten about. Exploring the dt core, hitting pubs with these UK and Aussie ppl, clubbin with Amit. Over all I had a wicked time in TO. Too bad most have gone there seperate ways, except for the few toronto natives I mentioned, for my return trip in a couple of weeks (fingers crossed). Another awesome experience was going to Kingston, but that's too big of a topic to get into right now.

The Bad...

The humidity, dang! Can you say sweat thru my clothes while I slept? My so called Toronto friends, where were you guys? Althou he who has not sinned...I did the same thing. Andrew, the last aussie I met was in Vancouver this past week and I didn't get to hang out with him. So I know how these things can happen. Sorry Drew. I also did something I'm not very proud of...

The Fu'ugly...

I may have mentioned this gross hostel I checked out before settling in at the Canadiana backpackers hostel. the Canadiana was awesome, clean with nice ppl. The International Backpackers was so nasty. Because I screwed up my booking at Canadiana and with every bed in the city booked because of Caribean whatever, I ended up staying two nights at IB. The place stank to hi heaven, especially the Iranian dude that slept on the bunk above me the second night. The place was so filthy that my eyes turned bloodshot red for a week after stayin there, (I must have got my contacts dirty because when I changed them it was alright). BI was cool thou in that it had it's own pub downstairs and I met alot of good ppl there. Another of the fugly's was this girl I met from North Carolina, I swear she talked like forrest gump. Despite how she talked I thought she was kinda hot till I sobbered up. I'd been flirting non-stop for two weeks at that point and didn't know how to turn it off. Apperently Andrew made the same mistake so he helped hide me from her that second night thou she somehow found me anyways damn! Oh well, we eneded up leaving with the American girls so it was all good. Another annoying byproduct of hanging out with so many Aussie's and Irish is that I started to sound like them, espicially when I was drinking. Me and this british guy got into this argument with these three American guys and they pretty much thought I was british, even when we bumped into them a few nights later. I was at this open air pub with some of the other hostelites and I was trying my hardest to bounce between one of the americans and this Torontonian I had met and they both mentioned that I sounded kinda irish. I can't even fake it now that I'm back but it was kinda strange for a while there. Bye the way if you try bouncing between two girls you end up getting ignored from two sides and it's funny how it happens suddenly and at the same time, I was drunk so sue me. Rhoel.

He who hesitates, masterbates.

PS, oh my god how could I forget about King of the Fcukn uglies, Adam Smith from Winnipeg Manitoba. I'm sorry for not mentioning you my king. This was the most unfortunate dude I've ever come upon, anyways this is long enough and I think he may need his own blog entry.