Thursday, November 04, 2004

Growing up Juatco.

Today I had a buisness breakfast for some buiness mission from some province back in the phils blah blah. There I was, once again stuck in a room full of suits tradeing cards I never read with ppl I'll never call. There I was, once again wearing jeans a button up shirt and a leather jacket. The other day my mom asked me in the nicest way possible why I dress like a dirt bomb when I do my usual daily things and only clean up when I talk to advertisers. Which got me into thinking I have to seriously rethink my wardrobe (and that I should probably shave every day hehe). When I was a kid ill fitting suits and dress pants along with wrinkled shirts could wash because I was a kid and didn't know any better or didn't care(honestly I didn't care). Personaly I don't give a flying (p)uck what ppl think of me, but when I'm representing my newspaper I really should start to care more. Damn it, what's happening to me? I'm even finding myself interested in world events and politics recently (thou we may be able to chalk this one up to the hockey lock out and outright boredem). I used to think it was funny when ppl would double take when they found out I was the Chronicle, but now I'm starting to realize that it wasn't really that funny and that I was the only one who got it. Ro da boat.