Monday, June 27, 2005

Technically... is no longer Sunday and I have failed in my one week of blogging. But in my world technicalities are for lawyers and time passes in sleeps. As I have not yet slept all it takes is for me to write a blog entry later on today (after my sleep) to have kept me on tract. But, as I have nothing really to say I will substitute substance with volume. (I've been drinking and just got in.)

Random thoughts

-writing massive blogs everyday requires a dedicated readership. As one who checks ppls blogs maybe every other day if there's like three giant blog entries I've missed I'm more likely not to bother. Unless I get really bored later that day.

-I normally hang all my cloths so the hook of the hanger points back and all my cloths line up facing to the right. This morning I for some reason mounted something facing left and when I went to hang it I had this momentary feeling that someone was playing a massive joke on me and re-hung everything facing the wrong way. Then I thought about it..and then switched the jacket around.

-My cloths that don't get hung end up on a pile on my floor which I sift around looking for what I'm looking for. I have a separate pile for dirty cloths. I believe my carpet is beige...

-I need to do some shopping. My standard uniform is usually a t-shirt, jeans, and puma's. (leather jacket if it's cold enough, or some kind of pull over). All my other cloths suck. I even need new jeans as I have only one favorite pair. I have a room full of stuff that I've never worn or have only worn once.

-I love to not shave for a week and dress like a bum. Shaving every day is for the birds. I only shave when I have a date, am meeting an advertiser, am going to practice, or have a game. I think some of you would be shocked if you caught me mid-week being a soap dodger. I find it kinda funny. (like a joke that only I get. I have a lot of those)

-I want to shave my head, totally bic it. I've been thinking about it for a while, but I'm afraid that I have a funny shaped head. I doubt I'll do this but if my hair gets any thinner I may not have a choice. I think the summers of blonding my hair have permanently damaged my scalp, getting older hasn't helped. Lex Luthur from 'Smallville' is my hero. My hero is bald...

-I've done the lone wolf thing all year. I need a girl friend. Since Trish it's been almost exactly a year. I think she's on her third girlfriend since then. At least she hasn't dated any guys since me, or is that a bad thing....

Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace
in thy breast,
Would I were sleep and peace, so
sweet to rest.

G'night. Rhoel.