Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Mr Nice guy.

This past week has been really hard. All week long I've had to be on my best behaviour, being witty and charming and shite when all I really want to do is slam back a beer and hit on the hot chinese chick that's totally outta my league scopeing me from across the bar beause chances are I'll never in my life see her again and nobody up here knows me so I don't really care if I get shot down like Daffy durring duck season...rabbit season... It's been really straining, it just feels like someone is always watching me and I can't relax even when I'm relaxing. And I suppose everyone I know knows I'm outta town so nobody's been calling me. And my normal methods of unwinding like...running...aren't available at my disposal. It looks like I finally got my shite straite and will be comeing home friday morning, essentially another day and a half. I gotta keep my shite together because my future depends on what I'm doing over here. When I was in Toronto, (the last time I felt like big brother was watching) staying in a hostel as I was, I had the opertunity to get lost on Young Street or lost in a book at chapters so it wasn't a constant bombardment. And I went drinking everynight, be it at a club or out on the patio of the hostel. Other than Saturday night I havn't touched a drop since Randys b-day at Celebs (which we so have to do again soon, Celebs not the b-day). I guess if I was a real alchohlic and not just a pretend one I would have gone bonkers by now. Don't get me wrong, the ppl here are outstanding and I love the city and want to come back real soon, but the blow off valve for my turbo charger is jammed and a little tweet would do wonders. Two days and the rest of my life.

So I finally got to watch the fabled Barungay dance troupe. Lets just say I was a little dissapointed. I was expecting Likha and I got childrens workshop. I remember Denis, Dean, Ron et al's friends from Barungay back when we toured up here and I remember them being hot (and of age). The majority of the dancers I saw must have been around 17 or 18. It was only a 5 dance (two of which were childrens workshop) show so perhaps their more senior dancers sat the show out. Well, I lent our latest DVD to one of their reps and the AD wants to take me out. I heard that they have a meeting tonight so taking me out may not be a coincedence. I've been asked a few times about bringing KP back up here and the Rep I met mentioned possible shows in Van and Vegas. At the very least I want to open some good lines of comunication and some much needed contacts. I was even thinking of testing the waters to see if they'd be interested in us running some sort of Tito Rudy esque workshops if they aren't able to bring up our whole groupe. I'll know more after tonight. Kooky.